Friday, December 26, 2008

Trusting God... such a difficult thing to do. The easiest course of action is to run to anxiety, as if somehow I can make sense of the situation. But really, what is anxiety other than pride...somehow I think I can figure out the situation better than God so I worry about what answers I will find? No. Trust is humility. It is saying, "Lord, you know better than I, so I choose to trust you." Does this mean that we stop searching for answers? Certainly not. God has given us discernment and wisdom so we might figure out the best course of action...but not in our own power. This searching for answers must be found in the trust that God will provide the solution. Anxiety stems from thinking that if we don't find the answer on our own, the situation will not be resolved and all will fail. Trust stems from knowing that in our search for an answer, God will reveal it to us.

God, help me put my trust in you.