Saturday, November 3, 2007

I've Been Practicing Photography Lately...

...and thought I would share some of them here. I'll try to give some background to them to update you all on what's been going on and who I'm getting to know down here.

This is Brian chilling in Emerson (one of the dorms). I took this during Torrey Bible Conference, where the entire school cancels classes for three days and and brings in speakers to focus on the spiritual part of our lives. It was such a refreshing and convicting time...I prayed for God to really convict me there...and let me tell you...He has. Please keep me in your prayers if you think of it, as I'm trying to re-order my life.
Another pic at Emerson [same day].

Okay so, honestly, who can pass up a beautiful brick wall. My friends were very patient with me. I asked Becky to model for me and she willingly obliged. :)

Another of my brick wall victims. Blake is another PK from NorCal. His parents lead a Vineyard-like church up near Redding . He and I have been planning Movie Nights for some of our friends down here [including one night when we stayed up till 4am watching Gladiator and Braveheart]. You gotta love weekends :D Chelsea in "Frequency". I already posted about that, so no need to tell you more, but I did get a plug from Felicia [one of the girls who worked on the film] at the film society on campus and ended up getting a job as an extras co-ordinator on a music video for an indie group called Sometimes Y that was filming on campus!
Turell and Blake at one our trips to Disneyland. Turell lives in my floor and is one of the sweetest girls I know here.

No worries, it's only a nerf gun! While walking to the park one day [Chelsea got about 20 of us to go walk to the park and play on this amazing playground...people looked at us strangely, then, when they realized we were really just going to play at the park thought we were very cute] Barak and Christian asked me to take this picture for them. It turned out pretty well.

My mom actually figured out how to take this picture. this is actually my necklace in front of the lens and not a shadow. I can't tell you how many people ask me if I'm Jewish down here becasue I wear this everyday. I tell them I'm part, but want to learn more about the traditions. I actually met a girl who is the head of the Jews for Jesus group down here and as soon as I get a chance I want to start getting to know her better. She's offered to take me to a messianic synagogue sometime during the next year. So that should be exciting :)

So that's about it. Right now I'm bogged down in writing a paper...and being sick. :( bleh, i don't like being sick, except that it gives me a good excuse to blog :)

Praying for all of you back home and can't wait to see you when I get home for Thanksgiving!!


Tim Higley said...

Excellent photography. What kind of camera are you using?

Karyn said...

Thank you so much Tim! I'm just using a Panasonic point-and-shoot right now [DMC-LZ7 if you want the model] I'd love to get a better camera at some point. :)

By the way, the pictures you took of the campus at night are beautiful. I especially love the canopies above the library.

Anonymous said...

Dang! You blew my secret identity by calling me "Tim". Now I have to go change my social security number... again.

I need to get a better camera too - hopefully over winter break. We'll see what goes down.