Monday, January 14, 2008

So tomorrow...

...I'm leaving for a pre-film trailer shoot for an actual film! I'll be the 2nd Assistant Director (AD) and working with mostly the actors and the directors to make sure everything runs smoothly and on time. I'll - hopefully - be updating this as i go since the shoot runs from tuesday to saturday, but if not i'll definitely let you all know how it went soon after i get back. :) If you think of it please be praying for travel safety for the cast and crew and wisdom for me to be able to do my job well, since i'm fairly nervous about it.

Thanks all and hope you are enjoying/have enjoyed your Christmas Break!!!


Tim Higley said...

Sounds excellent! Keep us posted.

Of course you will.

T.H. Excellence

Zach said...

You'll do fine...

Hope you're having fun!!

Anonymous said...

Christmas break... righto (must be a college thing because I am sure not anywhere near Christmas Break - that was last year lol)
I *seriously* know you'll do/did GREAT! You probably had so much fun...