Thursday, June 26, 2008

Prayer Request

Hey you all,

So I'm pretty sure I told most of you this already, but my mom has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer this past week. Apparently it is the most aggressive type you can have, so it's pretty intense. She'll be having a double mastectomy in a few weeks and then start into six months of chemo afterwards. This is going to be a really tough journey for her and she's already exhausted from being very ill with an unknown fever and such for the past eight months. So if you all could please be praying I'd really appreciate it a lot. If you are interested in what is going on, I made her a blog so she can keep in touch with people and let them know what's going on. The URL is Thanks so much for your prayers.

And while on this subject, if you are praying please also lift up my friend's (Brian) dad (Mr. Hinds) who is currently battling brain cancer, among other things. There have been a lot of complications lately, fortunately he is now recovering, but divine healing for this cancer would be amazing!

I pray to one day be able to write about healing for both my mom and Brian's dad! God knows what He is doing and He'll work this all out. Praise Him!


Madison said...

Aw...that's horrible, Karyn. They're in my thoughts and I hope everything goes well.

It's not fun; a couple of years ago my mom was going through chemo for Hodgkin's.

Tim Higley said...

So sorry to hear about this. I'm keeping you all in prayer.
T.H. Excellence

han-nah said...

Apparently gchat isn't a good enough form of communication.

I didn't know. :(

Love/prayers/eyes to the sky.

Karyn said...

oh, sorry Hannah. I was sure I had let you know. :/

Thanks for praying though. :)

I love you tons my friend!!

Anonymous said...

WOW Karyn, I am so so so so so sorry! I will definitely pray for her and your family and I'll tell my mom too.

Michelle said...

wow, i haven't checked this blog for a while, and i am SO sorry to hear that your mom has breast cancer!! i will definitely be praying for her and for you all!!

i love and miss you!