Friday, June 19, 2009

Since Now Is the Perfect Time to Prove This Point

The desert of Southern California gets its water from two places: Colorado and Northern California

Northern California sends water to Southern California down the California Aquaduct[see picture]

Up here, we are rationing water.

As in, we turn off the water between the beginning and end of our showers..otherwise, if we use too much, we get huge fines.

I am sure that if I went to Biola they would still be watering the sidewalks.

That is all I have to say.


mel g said...

northern california > southern california
and southern california is jerks

Theophilus Christmas said...

Funny. This is one of the first conversations we had when I was first getting to know you...or at least one of the only ones I can remember. We had it while walking to the Reynolds' house...I am pretty sure I said something obnoxious...

BUT, as a proud Southern Californian who waters his sidewalk, I am offended by both this post and Mel's comment =P

David Hoffman said...

Y'know, it took me about three minutes to realize you weren't trying to make some deep theological point. That's what Torrey does to you.

Karyn said...

yes james, you did say something obnoxious ;) or at the very least snarky and i'm sorry the truth offends you, sir. :P

hahaha. no no. no deep theological point here...just a rant.

Theophilus Christmas said...

hey, read Nicole/s blog