Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I watched the movie "Hitch" last night (with some fastforwarding), but I found it interesting how the movie talks about relationships between men and women. Obviously the film is not based on a Christian view point, yet it brings up some very interesting ideas.

1. "No woman wakes up and thinks 'I would really like not to be swept off my feet today'." -- So true. That's all there is to say there.

2. "Women beleive that they can figure out anything about a relationship from the first kiss." I don't know about other women, but since I don't plan and really kissing anyone until I get engaged I would hope there are other ways to figure out a relatioship. Like having a conversation--i find conversations communicate much better than kisses. A kiss can say 'i love you' but a conversation can say why. Also, there is the effort each person puts into the relationship. If someone is going out of their way to spend time with someone else...that communicates something. And, from a Christian perspective, is God coming first? The amount of commitment that a person gives to God is a good indicator of how commited they will be to you. If God comes first, everything else falls in line (not always easliy mind you...but it will).

3. "Women respond to you when you respond to them". Again, true. We do really like people to listen to us and then be able to repond inteligently. It shows respect. And I'm pretty sure the same goes for guys, too. Everyone wants to be heard and respected.

4. Okay, so I must take issue with the fact that marriage was never mentioned in the film (i didn't actually get to finish it, but unless someone got married in the last 10 minutes--and it didn't look like anyone would--no marriage mentioned). Any Godly relationship should be focused on finding someone to share your life with. Not right away of course, but the end goal shouldn't be having someone to live with until you get fed up with them and then ditch. I did like, however, the strong stance they took against one-nighting. This is a much needed lesson in our world of instant gratification. Will Smith really does take a stand against problems in our culture and I respect him for that. I don't agree with everything he does or stands for, but its certainly a step in the right direction.

{June 18th edit} okay so that'll show me to write a review of a movie i didn't finish. They do get married in the end. go figure.


Madison said...

I just watched it last night. My parents made me since it was on TV. *rolls eyes* It was funny, though. ;)

Good post.

Anonymous said...

Um you should probably watch the last ten minutes if you don't think anyone gets married.

Karyn said... should probably read the last 10 words of my post.

Yeah, I realized, yeah. You can't always be right and it taught be to judge a film before i saw the end. :)

Who are you anyways?