Friday, July 13, 2007


Hey guys,

I'm starting to pack up for college and have been having such a hard time. I'm back and forth between tears and could really use some prayer. Specifically that I could do the stuff i need to get done and that God would just give me the strength i need to do this (not just the packing but also the whole dealing with reality thing...) Thank you so much. You are all so amazing and it means the world to know you're there.


1 comment:

Zach said...

I wish I had started earlier, definitely don't wait until the last minute. Just go through the stuff you have systematically and think "Am I gonna need this before Christmas?" As far as dealing with reality, you just gotta accept it. It's hard, I spent about 2.5 hours today doing just that (wow, I'm here for three months, I gotta just get my work done, and do it well and on time, and then I can go back home.) It's tough, I'm not gonna lie. Another thing is your network of friends. Use them. They're your friends for a reason. Do blog posting (like you (and ironically I) just did) about how you're having a hard time right now. Anyway, you know how to get a hold of me, if you need to vent, I'll have a listening ear, as long as I'm not in class (hint, in general, tuesday's until 11 your time, any time between 9:20 and 11, and any time after three (but before like 10) I'm not in class.) Anyway, just remember that you'll get back home, and enjoy yourself while you're there. You'll be fine.