Tuesday, May 8, 2007

How To Try Something New With Like No Forethought...

So I decided to take karate lessons. yeah, I've never done anything like this before, but my sister is going to do it for PE next year (she's going back to homeschooling) and so we decided to get her started now and so I decided to do it for the summer until I leave for college. So I signed up with Hannah today and we got uniforms! I'll let you all know how it goes, I'll probably just end up with a good knowledge of self-defence when I'm done, but that's cool. haha don't mess!


Anonymous said...

Hannah is stopping BCHS??? Well I'll have to talk to you about that one.
Enjoy yourself, and stay safe. You are brave

Michelle said...

That's so cool, Karyn! I think it would be awesome to know karate. Have a great time!

Karyn said...

Thanks guys, I will!!!!

And yeah, hannah's stopping BCHS. Lots of reasons, but mostly she just decided that she liked homeschooling better.