Monday, May 26, 2008

My Film Project this Semester

This is the film that I worked on with Evangeline over this semester. The story deals with a girl who is struggling with body image and eventually finds herself trapped inside a self-made prision. It's all pretty symbolic and the music isn't done, but here it is for now. Hope you like it.


Erin said...

Wow. Pretty powerful. You did a fantastic job with the shots/angles/lighting, all of that. I liked how at the beginning, it was about the boy, but pretty soon that didn't even matter anymore since she became so obsessed.
What camera did you use for that?

Really great job!

Karyn said...

We used a DVX (i think Panasonic) camera for the film.

I'm really glad that it touched you. I'm really hopping to use this film to speak to people who are struggling with this issue or who know people who are, so we'll see what happens.

(also, you are Andori-Isiliee's friend right??)

Lizzie said...

That looks great Karyn (and Evange)! Keep up the good work and keep posting your videos... I enjoy watching them!

Erin said...

Yes, Anilee and I are friends. :)

Christopher said...

Hey Karyn,

This is really great. Nicole did a great job as well. You guys are awesome at what you do. Keep it up.