Thursday, August 30, 2007


I don't know why, but suddenly I am feeling really homesick. This morning I was doing really well, but now, I just want to cry I miss home so much. Maybe it's because I finally slowed down today. I spent most of the day by myself in the library doing homework, and I guess without the social hype I realized how much I missed home. Kind of makes me afraid of slowing down, but I can't be constantly "on". Oh I don't know...I would really appreciate any prayer. I'm just having a hard time.


Leslyn Musch said...

I am missing you too! Thanks for letting us know you are homesick, I am praying...throughout the day for you.

sarahgrunder said...

im prayin sis.

im so glad that this isn't an "always" thing ya nkow? [like you arnt ALWAYS homesick.]

Zach said...

Yep, alone time can do that to you. It's good for you too though. Each tear can only make you stronger in the long run. and you will get less and less homesick as time goes on. I think it's only hit me hard twice so far. Anyway, I'm praying for you, and know to some extent what you're going through.

Karyn said...

Thank you all, I really appreciate your prayers and the way have been here for me through this process. It has been so nice to be able to talk with you as I am walking through this time. You are awesome friends (and mom)!